


Switching from Gridea to Hexo

The cover uses a picture published by Автошкола ТЕХНИКА on Pixabay, combined with the Hexo logo.

Writing articles on Gridea is very convenient and enjoyable, as I can easily switch themes and save drafts, which facilitates my writing and allows for highly customized blog interface. However, as the number of articles increases, the top menu becomes limited, and I have to write some navigation pages to organize the entire blog. All of this may be due to the lack of a secondary title.

I have to admit that because of my limited technical skills, even adding a secondary menu is difficult for me. I even attempted to understand and modify the source code of Gridea, but ultimately realized that I am too young and too simple for that. Including later on, when I was learning Vue and wanted to try VuePress, I was ultimately beaten back to Hexo.

The good news is that the KratosRebirth theme perfectly meets my needs, and most of what I want to achieve has already been arranged. My blog is now refreshed and ready to go again.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.