


About Me

In my job, I am not good at front-end functionality and I am accumulating experience. Usually, I love to tinker with various things. Those things that make me invest time, energy, and money are often what I like the most and what I am most willing to do. I have always hoped to maintain my creativity.

The decision to create this blog was initially to use it as a convenient technical document for myself. After all, learning is about finding the knowledge I need from the vast amount of information available and mastering it. And the things I have learned from various sources are inevitably forgotten until I become proficient enough. At this time, reviewing the articles I have written can be a good way to review the knowledge I have learned. Of course, if these articles are seen by others and have a helpful impact, that would be even better.

Now it seems that I am gradually starting to enjoy writing. Perhaps because writing is a way for me to organize my thoughts that I really enjoy, or perhaps writing is a way for me to express myself. Writing has become a part of my life.

Every friend who comes here is fortunate to meet you here.

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